Aniko KuraliI graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine as a biologist in 2018. During my undergraduate studies I examined the effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide on the behaviour of common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles and on the anti-predator phenotype of agile frog (Rana dalmatina) tadpoles. Currently, as a PhD student, I am mainly interested in the thermal tolerance of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (the amphibian chytrid fungus, Bd). My research focuses on using heat therapy to clear Bd from juvenile amphibians and my results may contribute to fight against chytridiomycosis.


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Phone: +36 1 3918608


Reprints from here.

Herczeg D., Holly D., Kásler A., Bókony V., Papp T., Takács-Vágó H., Ujszegi J., Hettyey A. 2023. Amphibian larvae benefit from a warm environment under simultaneous threat from chytridiomycosis and ranavirosis. Oikos 11: e09953.

Üveges B., Kalina C., Szabó K., Móricz Á.M., Holly D., Gabor C.R., Hettyey A., Bókony V. 2023 Does the glucocorticoid stress response make toads more toxic? an experimental study on the regulation of bufadienolide toxin synthesis. Integrative Organismal Biology 5: obad021.

Kásler A., Holly D., Herczeg D., Ujszegi J., Hettyey A. 2023. Chytridiomycosis and climate change: exposure to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and mild winter conditions do not increase mortality in juvenile agile frogs during hibernation. Animal Conservation 26: 654-662.

Kásler A., Ujszegi J., Holly D., Jaloveczki B., Gál Z., Hettyey A. 2022. In vitro thermal tolerance of a hypervirulent lineage of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis: Growth arrestment by elevated temperature and recovery following thermal treatment. Mycologia 114: 661-669.

Kásler A., Ujszegi J., Holly D., Üveges B., Móricz Á.M., Herczeg D., Hettyey A. 2022. Metamorphic common toads keep chytrid infection under control, but at a cost. Journal of Zoology 317: 159-169.

Herczeg D., Ujszegi J., Kásler A., Holly D., Hettyey A. 2021. Host–multiparasite interactions in amphibians: a review. Parasites & Vectors 14: 296.

Hettyey A., Ujszegi J., Herczeg D., Holly D., Vörös J., Schmidt B.R., Bosch J. 2019. Mitigating disease impacts in amphibian populations: capitalizing on the thermal optimum mismatch between a pathogen and its host. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:254.