Attila Hettyey

Address here.
Phone: +36 1 3918652

Research interests

– various aspects of sexual selection, including sperm competition, mate choice, sexual coercion and reproductive interference
– predator-, competitior- and pathogen-induced phenotypic responses, especially in chemical defences
– evolutionary ecology of sensitivity to pesticides of non-target organisms in an agricultural landscape
– effects of climate change, spreading infectious diseases and invasions by alien species on the native fauna
– ontogeny of animal personality in anuran tadpoles


2000                  MSc in Biology (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
2000                  Diploma in German-Hungarian Technical Translation (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
2005                  PhD in Animal ecology (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
2006                  post-doctoral researcher in Anssi Laurila’s lab at Uppsala University, Sweden
2006 – 2007     post-doctoral researcher in János Török’s lab at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
2007 – 2011     post-doctoral researcher in Herbert Hoi’s and Dustin Penn’s lab at the Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology, Vienna, Austria
2011 – 2012     post-doctoral researcher at the University of Zurich
2012 – 2012     post-doctoral researcher at the Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology, Vienna, Austria
2012 –               senior researcher and group leader at the Plant Protection Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA ATK NÖVI), Budapest, Hungary

Scholarhips and grants received

10. 1999 – 02. 2000    scholarship of the State of Thüringen for spending one semester at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany (undergraduate studies)
10. 2000 – 08. 2001    scholarship of the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students to do research in H.-U. Reyer’s lab at the University of Zürich, Switzerland
10. 2001 – 09. 2004    PhD-fellowship of the Hungarian State to perform graduate studies under the supervision of J. Török at the Department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
05. 2002 – 06. 2002    scholarship of LAPBIAT to do research in cooperation with J. Merilä at Kilpisjärvi Biological Station, University of Helsinki, Finland
05. 2003 – 04. 2004    scholarships of Australian Education International and the Hungarian Scholarship Board to do research in J.D. Roberts’ lab at The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
02. 2005 – 06. 2005    scholarships of Aktion Österreich-Ungarn’ and the Hungarian Scholarship Board to do research in cooperation with H. Hoi at the Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology, Vienna, Austria
03. 2006 – 11. 2006    scholarships of the Hungarian Scholarship Board and the Swedish Institute to do post-doctoral research in A. Laurila’s lab at Uppsala University, Sweden
11. 2006 – 10. 2007    József Öveges Postdoctoral Fellowship to do post-doctoral research at the Department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
02. 2006 – 06. 2009    research grant of the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA)
02. 2007 – 01. 2009    research grant of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) to do post-doctoral research in collaboration with Herbert Hoi at the Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology, Vienna, Austria
09. 2012 – 06. 2017    “Lendület” grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) to build the new Lendület Evolutionary Ecology Research Group at the MTA ATK NÖVI
02. 2013 – 01. 2015    Sparkling Science project of the Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Austria to do research in collaboration with Herbert Hoi, Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology, Vienna, Austria and the PNMS/PHS Sacré Coeur Pressbaum, Austria
07. 2014 – 06. 2018   Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (EU, FP7)


Reprints from here.

Bókony V., Balogh E., Ujszegi J., Ujhegyi N., Szederkényi M., Hettyey A. 2024. Tadpoles develop elevated heat tolerance in urban heat islands regardless of sex. Evolutionary Biology 51: 209-216.

Ujszegi J., Boros Z., Fodor A., Vajna B., Hettyey A. 2023. Metabolites of Xenorhabdus bacteria are potent candidates for mitigating amphibian chytridiomycosis. AMB Express 13: 88.

Herczeg D., Holly D., Kásler A., Bókony V., Papp T., Takács-Vágó H., Ujszegi J., Hettyey A. 2023. Amphibian larvae benefit from a warm environment under simultaneous threat from chytridiomycosis and ranavirosis. Oikos 11: e09953.

Üveges B., Kalina C., Szabó K., Móricz Á.M., Holly D., Gabor C.R., Hettyey A., Bókony V. 2023 Does the glucocorticoid stress response make toads more toxic? an experimental study on the regulation of bufadienolide toxin synthesis. Integrative Organismal Biology 5: obad021.

Kásler A., Holly D., Herczeg D., Ujszegi J., Hettyey A. 2023. Chytridiomycosis and climate change: exposure to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and mild winter conditions do not increase mortality in juvenile agile frogs during hibernation. Animal Conservation 26: 654-662.

Mikó Z., Hettyey A. 2023. Toxicity of POEA-containing glyphosate-based herbicides to amphibians is mainly due to the surfactant, not to the active ingredient. Ecotoxicology 32: 150–159.

Frommen J.G., Thünken T., Santostefano S., Balzarini V., Hettyey A. 2022. Effects of chronic and acute predation risk on sexual ornamentation and mating preferences. Behavioral Ecology 33: 7-16.

Páll-Gergely B., Hettyey A., Turóci Á. Fehér Z. 2022. Evidence that reduction of the apertural closing apparatus has no decisive effect on water loss in the land snail family Clausiliidae (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 136: 120-126.

Kásler A., Ujszegi J., Holly D., Jaloveczki B., Gál Z., Hettyey A. 2022. In vitro thermal tolerance of a hypervirulent lineage of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis: Growth arrestment by elevated temperature and recovery following thermal treatment. Mycologia 114: 661-669.

Kásler A., Ujszegi J., Holly D., Üveges B., Móricz Á.M., Herczeg D., Hettyey A. 2022. Metamorphic common toads keep chytrid infection under control, but at a cost. Journal of Zoology 317: 159-169.

Ujszegi J., Bertalan R., Ujhegyi N., Verebélyi V., Nemesházi E., Mikó Z., Kásler A., Herczeg D., Szederkényi M., Vili N., Gál Z., Hoffmann O.I., Bókony V., Hettyey A. 2022. “Heat waves” experienced during larval life have species-specific consequences on life-history traits and sexual development in anuran amphibians. Science of the Total Environment 835: 155297.

Bókony V., Ujhegyi N., Mikó Z., Erös R., Hettyey A., Vili N., Gál Z., Hoffmann O.I., Nemesházi E. 2021. Sex reversal and performance in fitness-related traits during early life in agile frogs. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 745752.

Üveges B., Basson A.C., Móricz Á.M., Bókony V., Hettyey A. 2021. Chemical defence effective against multiple enemies: does the response to conspecifics alleviate the response to predators? Functional Ecology 35: 2294-2304.

Ujszegi J., Ludányi K., Móricz Á.M., Krüzselyi D., Drahos L., Drexler T., Németh M.Z., Vörös J., Garner T.W.J., Hettyey A. 2021. Exposure to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis affects chemical defences in two anuran amphibians, Rana dalmatina and Bufo bufo. BMC Ecology and Evolution 21:135.

Mikó Z., Nemesházi E., Ujhegyi N., Verebélyi V., Ujszegi J., Kásler A., Bertalan R., Vili N., Gál Z., Hoffmann O.I., Hettyey A., Bókony V. 2021. Sex reversal and ontogeny under climate change and chemical pollution: are there interactions between the effects of high temperature and 17α-ethinylestradiol on early development in agile frogs? Environmental Pollution 285: 117464.

Herczeg D., Ujszegi J., Kásler A., Holly D., Hettyey A. 2021. Host–multiparasite interactions in amphibians: a review. Parasites & Vectors 14: 296.

Ujszegi J., Molnár K., Hettyey A. 2021. How to disinfect anuran eggs? Sensitivity of anuran embryos to chemicals widely used for the disinfection of larval and post‐metamorphic amphibians. Journal of Applied Toxicology 41: 387-398.

Ujszegi J., Vajna B., Móricz Á.M., Krüzselyi D., Korponai K., Krett G., Hettyey A. 2020. Relationships between chemical defenses of common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles and bacterial community structure of their natural aquatic habitat. Journal of Chemical Ecology 46: 534-543.

Fernández-Loras A., Boyero L., Correa-Araneda F., Tejedo M., Hettyey A., Bosch J. 2019. Infection with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis lowers heat tolerance of tadpole hosts and cannot be cleared by brief exposure to CTmax. PLoS ONE 14(4): e0216090.

Hettyey A., Ujszegi J., Herczeg D., Holly D., Vörös J., Schmidt B.R., Bosch J. 2019. Mitigating disease impacts in amphibian populations: capitalizing on the thermal optimum mismatch between a pathogen and its host. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:254.

Hettyey A., Üveges B., Móricz Á.M., Drahos L., Capon R.J., Van Buskirk J., Tóth Z., Bókony V. 2019. Predator-induced changes in the chemical defence of a vertebrate. Journal of Animal Ecology 88: 1925-1935.

Tóth, Z., Kurali, A., Móricz, Á.M. & Hettyey, A. 2019. Changes in toxin quantities following experimental manipulation of toxin reserves in Bufo bufo tadpoles. Journal of Chemical Ecology 45: 253-263.

Üveges B., Szederkényi M., Mahr K., Móricz Á., Krüzselyi D., Bókony V., Hoi H., Hettyey A. 2019. Chemical defence of toad tadpoles under risk by four types of predator species. Ecology and Evolution 9:6287-6299.

Bókony, V., Üveges, B., Móricz, Á.M. & Hettyey, A. 2018. Competition induces increased toxin production in toad larvae without allelopathic effects on heterospecific tadpoles. Functional Ecology 32: 667-675.

Bókony, V., Üveges, B., Ujhegyi, N., Verebélyi, V., Nemesházi, E., Csíkvári, O. & Hettyey, A. 2018. Endocrine disruptors in breeding ponds and reproductive health of toads in agricultural, urban and natural landscapes. Science of the Total Environment 634: 1335-1345.

Gyuris, E., Szép, E., Kontschán, J., Hettyey, A. & Tóth, Z. 2018. Efficiency against the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae and prey-age-related choice of three predatory mites. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 64: 75-90.

Kurali, A., Pásztor, K., Hettyey, A. & Tóth, Z. 2018. Resource-dependent temporal changes in antipredator behavior of common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72:91 (DOI: 10.1007/s00265-018-2503-9)

Tóth, Z. & Hettyey, A. 2018. Egg-laying environment modulates offspring responses to predation risk in an amphibian. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31: 710-721.

Urszán, T.J., Garamszegi, L.Z., Nagy, G., Hettyey, A., Török, J. & Herczeg, G. 2018. Experience during development triggers between-individual variation in behavioural plasticity. Journal of Animal Ecology 87: 1264-1273.

Bókony, V., Mikó, Z., Móricz, Á.M., Krüzselyi, D. & Hettyey, A. 2017. Chronic exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide makes toad larvae more toxic. Proceedings of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences 284: 20170493.

Gyuris, E., Szép, E., Kontschán, J., Hettyey, A. & Tóth, Z. 2017. Behavioural responses of two-spotted spider mites induced by predator-borne and prey-borne cues. Behavioural Processes 144: 100–106.

Kovács, T., Herczeg, G. & Hettyey, A. 2017. Responses in the diet composition of the Common frog (Rana temporaria) to the stochastic gradation of Autumnal moth (Epirrita autumnata) larvae. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63: 115-122.

Mikó, Z., Ujszegi, J., Gál, Z. & Hettyey, A. 2017. Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide and predation threat on the behaviour of agile frog tadpoles. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 140: 96–102.

Mikó, Z., Ujszegi, J. & Hettyey, A. 2017. Age-dependent changes in sensitivity to a pesticide in tadpoles of the common toad (Bufo bufo). Aquatic Toxicology 187: 48-54.

Mikó, Z., Ujszegi, J., Gál, Z. & Hettyey, A. 2017. Standardize or diversify experimental conditions in ecotoxicology? A case study on herbicide toxicity to larvae of two anuran amphibians. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 73: 562–569.

Ujszegi, J., Móricz, Á.M., Krüzselyi, D. & Hettyey, A. 2017. Skin toxin production of toads changes during early ontogeny but is not adjusted to the microbiota of the aquatic environment. Evolutionary Ecology 31: 925–936.

Üveges, B., Fera, G., Móricz, Á.M., Krüzselyi, D., Bókony, V. & Hettyey, A. 2017. Age- and environment-dependent changes in chemical defences of larval and post-metamorphic toads. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17: 137.

Hettyey, A., Thonhauser, K.E., Bókony, V., Penn, D.J., Hoi, H. & Griggio, M. 2016. Naive tadpoles do not recognize recent invasive predatory fishes as dangerous. Ecology 97: 2975-2985.

Kurali, A., Pásztor, K., Hettyey, A. & Tóth, Z. 2016. Toxin depletion has no effect on antipredator responses in common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119: 1000-1010.

Vági, B. & Hettyey, A. 2016. Intraspecific and interspecific competition for mates: Rana temporaria males are effective satyrs of Rana dalmatina females. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 1477–1484.

Üveges, B., Mahr, K., Szederkényi, M., Bókony, V., Hoi, H. & Hettyey, A. 2016. Experimental evidence for beneficial effects of projected climate change on hibernating amphibians. Scientific Reports 6: 26754.

Bókony, V., Móricz, Á., Tóth, Zs., Gál, Z., Kurali, A., Mikó, Zs., Pásztor, K., Szederkényi, M., Tóth, Z., Ujszegi, J., Üveges, B., Krüzselyi, D., Hoi, H. & Hettyey, A. 2016. Variation in chemical defenses among populations of common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles: the role of environmental conditions. Journal of Chemical Ecology 42: 329-338.

Ujszegi, J., Gál, Z., Mikó, Zs. & Hettyey, A. 2016. No effect of a glyphosate-based herbicide on larval dragonflies (Aeshna cyanea) and adult newts (Lissotriton vulgaris) in a laboratory-based experiment. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62: 355–367.

Urszán, T.J., Garamszegi, L.Z., Nagy, G., Hettyey, A., Török, J. & Herczeg, G. 2015. No personality without experience? A test on Rana dalmatina tadpoles. Ecology and Evolution 5: 5847-5856.

Mikó, Z., Ujszegi, J., Gál, Z., Imrei, Z. & Hettyey, A. 2015. Choice of experimental venue matters in ecotoxicology studies: a comparison of an indoor and an outdoor experiment. Aquatic Toxicology 167: 20-30.

Hettyey, A., Tóth, Z., Thonhauser, K.E., Frommen, J.G., Penn, D.J. & Van Buskirk, J. 2015. The relative importance of prey-borne and predator-borne chemical cues for inducible antipredator responses in tadpoles. Oecologia 179: 699-710.

Ujszegi, J., Gál, Z., Mikó, Z., Hettyey, A. 2015. No observable effect of a glyphosate-based herbicide on two top predators of temporal water bodies. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34: 307-313.

Urszán, T.J., Török, J., Hettyey, A., Garamszegi, L.Z. & Herczeg, G. 2015. Behavioural consistency and life history of Rana dalmatina tadpoles. Oecologia 178: 129-140.

Hettyey, A., Vági, B., Kovács, T., Ujszegi, J., Katona, P., Szederkényi, M., Pearman, P.B., Griggio, M. & Hoi, H. 2014. Reproductive interference between Rana dalmatina and Rana temporaria affects reproductive success in natural populations. Oecologia 176: 457-464.

Hettyey, A., Tóth, Z. & Van Buskirk, J. 2014. Inducible chemical defences in animals. Oikos 123: 1025-1028.

Baláž, V., Vörös, J., Civiš, P., Vojar, J., Hettyey, A., Sós, E., Dankovics, R., Jehle, R., Christiansen, D.G., Clare, F., Fisher, M.C., Garner, T.W.J. & Bielby, J. 2014. Assessing risk and guidance on monitoring of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Europe through identification of taxonomic selectivity of infection. Conservation Biology 28: 213-223.

Raveh, S., Sutalo, S., Thonhauser, K.E., Thoß, M., Hettyey, A., Winkelser, F. & Penn, D.J. 2014. Female partner preferences enhance offspring ability to survive an infection. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 14.

Thonhauser, K.E., Raveh, S., Hettyey, A., Beissmann, H. & Penn, D.J. 2013. Why do female mice mate with multiple males? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 1961-1970.

Thonhauser, K.E., Raveh, S., Hettyey, A., Beissmann, H. & Penn, D.J. 2013. Scent marking increases male reproductive success in wild house mice. Animal Behaviour 86: 1013-1021.

Frommen, J.G., Zala, S.M., Raveh, S., Schaedelin, F.C., Wernisch, B. & Hettyey, A. 2013. Investigating the effect of familiarity on kin recognition of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Ethology 119: 531-539.

Hettyey, A., Vági, B., Penn, D.J., Hoi, H. & Wagner, R.H. 2012. Post-meiotic intra-male sperm senescence in a wild vertebrate. Public Library of Science One 7: e50820.

Hutter, S., Hettyey, A., Penn, D.J. & Zala, S.M. 2012. Ephemeral sexual dichromatism in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ethology 118: 1208-1218.

Hettyey, A., Rölli, F., Thürlimann, N., Zürcher, A.-C. & Van Buskirk, J. 2012. Visual cues contribute to predator detection in anuran larvae. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 106: 820-827.

Hettyey, A., Griggio, M., Mann, M., Raveh, S., Schädelin, F.C., Thonhauser, K.E., Thoß, M., van Dongen, W., White, J., Zala, S.M. & Penn, D.J. 2012. Peerage of Science: will it work? Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27: 189-190.

Hettyey, A., Vági, B., Török, J. & Hoi, H. 2012. Allocation in reproduction is not tailored to the probable number of matings in common toad (Bufo bufo) males. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 201-208.

Hettyey, A., Vincze, K., Zsarnóczai, S., Hoi, H. & Laurila, A. 2011. Costs and benefits of defences induced by predators differing in dangerousness. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 1007-1019.

Tóth, Z., Hoi, H. & Hettyey, A. 2011. Kin discrimination during egg-cannibalism in smooth newts, Lissotriton vulgaris: Does competition matter? Journal of Zoology 284: 46-52.

Tóth, Z., Hoi, H. & Hettyey, A. 2011. Intraspecific variation in the egg-wrapping behaviour of female smooth newts, Lissotriton vulgaris. Amphibia-Reptilia 32: 77-82.

Hettyey, A., Zsarnóczai, S., Vincze, K., Hoi, H. & Laurila, A. 2010. Interactions between the information content of different chemical cues affect induced defences in tadpoles. Oikos 119: 1814-1822.

Hettyey, A., Hegyi, G., Puurtinen, M., Hoi, H., Török, J. & Penn, D.J. 2010. Mate choice for genetic benefits: Time to put the pieces together. Ethology 116: 1-9.

Hettyey, A., Herczeg, G. & Hoi, H. 2009. Testing the phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis in male moor frogs (Rana arvalis) exhibiting a conspicuous nuptial colouration. Amphibia-Reptilia 30: 581-586.

Hettyey, A., Baksay, S., Vági, B. & Hoi, H. 2009. Counterstrategies by female frogs to sexual coercion by heterospecifics. Animal Behaviour 78: 1365-1372.

Hettyey, A., Vági, B., Hévizi, G. & Török, J. 2009. Changes in sperm stores, ejaculate size, fertilization success, and sexual motivation over repeated matings in the common toad, Bufo bufo (Anura: Bufonidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 96: 361-371.

Hettyey, A., Herczeg, G., Laurila, A., Crochet, P.-A. & Merilä, J. 2009. Body temperature, size, nuptial colouration and mating success in male Moor Frogs (Rana arvalis). Amphibia-Reptilia 30: 37-43.

Hettyey, A. & Roberts, J.D. 2007. Sperm traits in the frog Crinia georgiana, a species with plastic alternative mating tactics. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 1303-1310.

Hettyey, A. & Pearman, P.B. 2006. Testing experimental results in the field: Comment on Ficetola and De Bernardi (2005). Ethology 112: 930-931.

Hettyey, A. & Roberts, J.D. 2006. Sperm traits of the quacking frog, Crinia georgiana: intra- and interpopulation variation in a species with a high risk of sperm competition. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 59: 389-396.

Hettyey, A. & Török, J. 2005. ‘In situ’ prevention of fertilization by male anurans – a simple method for the detection of sperm competition with potential for other applications. Herpetological Review 36: 33-36.

Hettyey, A., Török, J. & Hévizi, G. 2005. Male mate choice lacking in the Agile frog, Rana dalmatina. Copeia 2005: 403-408.

Hettyey, A., Laurila, A., Herczeg, G., Jönsson, K.I., Kovács, T. & Merilä, J. 2005. Does testis size decline towards the sub-arctic? A case study on the Common frog, Rana temporaria. Naturwissenschaften 92: 188-192.

Herczeg, G., Kovács, T., Hettyey, A. & Merilä, J. 2003. To thermoconform or thermoregulate? An assessment of thermoregulation opportunities for the lizard Zootoca vivipara in the subarctic. Polar Biology 26: 486-490.

Hettyey, A. & Pearman, P.B. 2003. Social environment and reproductive interference affect reproductive success in the frog Rana latastei. Behavioral Ecology 14: 294-300.

Hettyey, A., Török, J. & Kovács, T. 2003. Breeding biology and habitat use of seven amphibian species in a hilly woodland (Pilis Mountains, Hungary). Állattani Közlemények 88: 41-55. (in Hungarian)

Reyer, H.-U., Niederer, B. & Hettyey, A. 2003. Variation in fertilization abilities between hemiclonal hybrid and sexual parental males of sympatric water frogs (Rana lessonae, R. esculenta, R. ridibunda). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 54: 274-284.